Music and Literacy Research References

Sing Your Way Through Phonics products are strongly supported by educational research. Studies listed below suggest that music can be an especially effective tool for developing reading and writing skills. The power of song can help students retain and internalize important letter/sound relationships, spelling patterns, and phonics rules. In addition, music can be an vitally useful portal for reaching at-risk students who have difficulty learning basic literacy skills through more traditional means.

Anvari, S. H., Trainor, L. J., Woodside, J., & Levy, B. A. (2002). Relations between musical skills, phonological processing, and early reading ability in preschool students. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 83: 2, 111-130.

Balkin, A. (1999). Music and literacy: A partnership. Massachusetts Music News.

Bradley, K. S. & Bradley, J. (1999). Developing reading and writing through music. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED429710)

Campbell, R. & Campbell, F. (1996). Cited in You can raise your child’s IQ. Keister, E, Jr. & Keister, S. V. Readers Digest. October 1996.

Chang, C. (2000). Relationship between music learning and language reading? Review of literature. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED440375)

Cohen, E. (1999). For a child, life is a creative adventure: Supporting development and learning through art, music, movement, and dialogue. (ERIC document reproduction service No. 453939)

Ericson, L. & Juliebo, M. F. (1998). The phonological awareness handbook for kindergarten and primary teachers. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED418404)

Feazell, V. S. (2004). Reading acceleration program: A school-wide intervention. Reading Teacher 58: 1, 66-72.

Fisher, D. & McDonald, N. (2001). The intersection between music and early literacy instruction: Listening to literacy! Reading Improvement 38: 3, 106-115.

Fisher, D., McDonald, N., & Strickland, J. (2001). Early literacy development: A sound practice. General Music Today 14: 3, 15-20.

Fitzgerald, L. A. (1994). A musical approach for teaching English reading to limited English speakers. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED371571)

French, V. L. & Feng, J. (1992). Phoneme awareness training with at-risk kindergarten children: A case study. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED361120)

Hansen, D. & Bernstorf, E. (2002). Linking music learning to reading instruction. Music Educators Journal 88:5, 17-21.

Hansen, D. Bernstorf, E., & Stuber, G. M. (2004). The music and literacy connection. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED488727)

Hill-Clarke, K. Y. & Robinson, N. R. (2002). Locomotion and literacy: Effective Strategies to enhance literacy instruction. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED474066)

Jalongo, M. R. & Ribblett, D. M. (1997). Using song picture books to support emergent literacy. Childhood Education 74: 1, 15-22.

Kolb, G. R. (1996). Read with a beat: Developing literacy through music and song (Teaching reading). Reading Teacher 50: 1, 76-77.

Langfit, D. (1994). Integrating music, reading, and writing at the primary level. Reading Teacher 47: 5, 430-431.

Lems, K. (2001). Using music in the adult ESL classroom. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED459634)

Lems, K. (2002). Music hath charms for literacy. Indiana Reading Journal 34:3, 6-12.

Masterson, K. (1995). With a simple tune, students improve in school. Online. Available:

McCracken, R. A. & McCracken, M. J. (1986). Stories, songs, and poetry to teach reading and writing: Literacy through language. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED276987)

Opitz, M. F. (2000). Rhymes & reasons: Literature and language play for phonological awareness. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED437669)

Owens, N. & Yoder, J. (1999). Integrating literacy with music, art, and physical education. Target action research 1998-99. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED429280)

Piazza, C. A. (1999). Multiple forms of literacy: Teaching literacy and the arts. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED424569)

Renegar, S. L. (1986). Reading and music: Take note. (ERIC document reproduction service No. 315735)

Ridout, S. R. (1990). Ridout, S. R. (1990). Harmony in the classroom: Using songs to teach reading and writing. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED324637). (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED324637)

Routier, W. J. (2003). Read me a song: Teaching reading using picture book songs. (ERIC document reproduction service No. ED479645)

Smith, J. A. (2000). Singing and songwriting support early literacy instruction. Reading Teacher 53: 8, 646-649.

Turner-Bisset, R. (2001). Serving-maids and literacy: An approach to teaching literacy through history and music. Reading 35: 1, 27-31.

Woods, C. S. (2003). Phonemic awareness: A crucial bridge to reading. Montessori Life 15: 2, 37-39.